Hennessee Short Biased Index
The funds in the Hennessee Short Biased Index typically have long and short equity positions with an overall net short exposure to the market. Investments can be fundamental, technical, or event driven. This style can be used as a hedge against long-only portfolios and by investors who feel the market is approaching or in a bearish cycle.
Summary Statistics (Jan-93 to Dec-12) |
Annualized Compound Return |
Annualized Standard Deviation |
Ratio |
Ratio |
Annualized Alpha
(versus Benchmark) |
(versus Benchmark) |
Hennessee Short Biased Index |
-3.35% |
17.66% |
-0.12 |
-0.31 |
N/A |
N/A |
S&P 500 |
6.11% |
15.11% |
0.45 |
0.54 |
4.36% |
-0.74 |
Nasdaq Composite Index |
7.76% |
23.91% |
0.42 |
0.45 |
4.39% |
-0.81 |
Number of Months |
% of Months
Positive |
Largest Consecutive Loss |
Value of $1000
(Invested at Inception) |
Postive |
Negative |
% |
Months |
Peak |
Valley |
Hennessee Short Biased Index |
109 |
131 |
45% |
-62.64% |
69 |
Jun-94 |
Mar-00 |
$506 |
S&P 500 |
149 |
91 |
62% |
-52.56% |
16 |
Oct-07 |
Feb-09 |
$3,273 |
Nasdaq Composite Index |
138 |
102 |
58% |
-75.04% |
31 |
Feb-00 |
Sep-02 |
$4,460 |
Historical Performance (Jan-93 to Dec-12) |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Year |
2012 |
-4.67% |
-4.19% |
-0.86% |
0.13% |
5.66% |
-3.68% |
0.54% |
-2.85% |
-3.73% |
-0.34% |
-1.41% |
-3.61% |
-17.82% |
2011 |
-1.46% |
-1.59% |
-1.25% |
-2.28% |
0.31% |
1.56% |
2.82% |
5.02% |
4.10% |
-4.41% |
1.41% |
-1.96% |
1.84% |
2010 |
2.54% |
-2.34% |
-4.74% |
-1.98% |
4.37% |
4.18% |
-4.40% |
4.18% |
-6.50% |
-2.76% |
-2.00% |
-5.09% |
-14.35% |
2009 |
3.73% |
3.51% |
-4.04% |
-5.75% |
0.06% |
-1.12% |
-5.17% |
-0.76% |
-3.74% |
2.95% |
-3.00% |
-4.00% |
-16.56% |
2008 |
4.71% |
3.13% |
1.27% |
-3.20% |
-1.47% |
7.13% |
-0.39% |
-1.79% |
3.05% |
9.21% |
3.36% |
-1.68% |
25.02% |
2007 |
-1.27% |
0.82% |
0.86% |
-2.24% |
-2.00% |
1.84% |
4.13% |
0.65% |
-1.17% |
0.36% |
6.62% |
0.89% |
9.53% |
2006 |
-2.60% |
0.44% |
-0.95% |
0.44% |
3.63% |
1.04% |
1.78% |
-1.12% |
-1.91% |
-3.34% |
-1.82% |
0.24% |
-4.32% |
2005 |
4.33% |
2.01% |
1.93% |
3.59% |
-3.97% |
-0.57% |
-1.53% |
2.25% |
2.35% |
2.69% |
-2.84% |
-0.20% |
10.11% |
2004 |
-0.33% |
1.04% |
-2.23% |
4.16% |
0.48% |
0.42% |
8.23% |
3.40% |
-2.44% |
-1.28% |
-8.09% |
-4.76% |
-2.37% |
2003 |
-0.93% |
-0.68% |
0.13% |
-4.91% |
-3.66% |
-2.95% |
-2.53% |
-1.60% |
-0.20% |
-4.74% |
-0.36% |
-2.81% |
-22.65% |
2002 |
2.09% |
2.83% |
-3.87% |
2.89% |
2.72% |
4.20% |
2.66% |
-1.11% |
4.26% |
-1.02% |
-3.43% |
3.05% |
15.87% |
2001 |
-4.20% |
9.18% |
4.88% |
-11.75% |
-0.96% |
0.28% |
2.46% |
5.80% |
13.41% |
-1.11% |
-2.78% |
-0.73% |
12.81% |
2000 |
2.46% |
-5.49% |
-0.04% |
4.69% |
3.92% |
-5.70% |
5.12% |
-4.29% |
8.49% |
4.21% |
13.45% |
1.40% |
29.94% |
1999 |
-6.57% |
7.38% |
1.24% |
-2.20% |
0.22% |
-4.18% |
0.61% |
5.04% |
3.61% |
-2.07% |
-7.13% |
-5.16% |
-9.91% |
1998 |
0.10% |
-8.66% |
-0.76% |
-3.08% |
8.68% |
-4.53% |
1.54% |
32.05% |
-10.40% |
-11.32% |
-8.43% |
-13.83% |
-23.29% |
1997 |
-1.92% |
6.69% |
8.62% |
-1.18% |
-5.79% |
-3.21% |
-4.74% |
3.22% |
-4.33% |
6.48% |
2.19% |
0.11% |
4.95% |
1996 |
-0.35% |
-7.06% |
-0.93% |
-8.44% |
-3.47% |
10.11% |
13.63% |
-5.62% |
-15.75% |
6.47% |
-6.95% |
4.63% |
-16.37% |
1995 |
4.55% |
-4.11% |
-4.20% |
-0.48% |
-5.75% |
-12.09% |
-10.88% |
-0.76% |
-3.19% |
3.96% |
-1.54% |
3.06% |
-28.47% |
1994 |
-3.10% |
2.44% |
8.19% |
2.97% |
3.47% |
8.85% |
-4.28% |
-9.80% |
1.56% |
-2.51% |
6.85% |
-2.62% |
10.78% |
1993 |
-0.74% |
4.86% |
-3.05% |
4.22% |
-7.83% |
1.47% |
3.58% |
-2.93% |
-1.87% |
-2.72% |
2.32% |
-1.46% |
-4.81% |

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